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E-Commerce is growing and appealing to more business owners as well as customers. It has become a powerful tool to leverage offline business and as a result, increase its profits. But on the other hand, the development of an e-commerce app requires investing of both time and money.

电子商务正在发展,并吸引了更多的企业主和客户。 它已成为利用离线业务并因此增加利润的强大工具。 但是,另一方面,电子商务应用程序的开发需要投入 时间和金钱

In order to set the app development budget, it’s necessary to consider all the factors that can influence the price beforehand. In our article, we’re going to dwell on .

为了设定应用程式开发预算,必须事先考虑所有可能影响价格的因素。 在我们的文章中,我们将详细介绍 。

E-Commerce App 1

开发移动购物应用程序时要考虑的关键事项 (Key Things To Consider While Developing A Mobile Shopping App)

Before developing a shopping app, we have to consider a few things that an app can get away with:




A shopping app usually deals with buying operations. An app requires personal and bank data to sell goods or service. As a result, it’s necessary to provide an adequate level of security for both personal data as well as transactions.

购物应用通常会处理购买操作。 应用程序需要个人和银行数据才能销售商品或服务。 结果,有必要为个人数据和交易提供足够的安全性。

Moreover, security is one of the most important factors for online shoppers. Security issues can affect the popularity of an e-commerce app and company reputation. To win over customers, implement the highest level of security.\

而且,安全性是在线购物者最重要的因素之一。 安全问题可能会影响电子商务应用程序的受欢迎程度和公司声誉。 为了赢得客户,请实施最高级别的安全性。\

User-Friendly Design


An e-commerce app should be easy to navigate and use. The users don’t fancy the idea to spend long hours learning how to use the app. All vital features shouldn’t be hidden. Everything has to be transparent and plain. The ap shouldn’t be overloaded with information.

电子商务应用程序应该易于浏览和使用。 用户不喜欢花大量时间学习如何使用该应用程序的想法。 所有重要功能都不应隐藏。 一切都必须透明而朴素。 ap不应过载信息。

Smooth Performance


App stability is a crucial point. An app should provide a smooth user experience and there is no excuse for bugs. Clients don’t like spontaneous shutting down or rebooting. If they occur, users tend to shift to more stable apps.

应用程序稳定性是关键。 应用程序应提供流畅的用户体验,并且没有任何漏洞的借口。 客户端不喜欢自发关闭或重新启动。 如果发生这种情况,用户倾向于转向更稳定的应用程序。

Yeah, we know that it’s hardly possible to develop an absolutely bug-free app. That results in a set of testing, customer feedbacks, analyzing reports. And then developers release updates and fix the bugs to make an app more stable.

是的,我们知道很难开发出绝对没有错误的应用程序。 这样就产生了一组测试,客户反馈和分析报告。 然后,开发人员发布更新并修复错误,以使应用程序更稳定。

If you’re going to create an app for your ecommerce business, it’s better to consider the characteristics of the operating systems as well as devices. Design plays a vital role in an app. An app should be visually flawless and easy-to-navigate.

如果要为电子商务业务创建应用程序,则最好考虑操作系统和设备的特征。 设计在应用程序中起着至关重要的作用。 应用应在视觉上无瑕疵且易于导航。

E-Commerce App 2

付款是电子商务应用程序最重要的组成部分 (Payment As The Most Important Component of An E-commerce App)

An integration of a payment system is a basis for a shopping app. To let the users buy goods and services in your app, you have to implement a payment gateway and a payment processor.

支付系统的集成是购物应用程序的基础。 为了让用户在您的应用中购买商品和服务,您必须实现 一个支付网关和一个支付处理器

Payment Gateway


A payment gateway is a tool to connect a customer and a payment system. The level of transaction security depends on a payment gateway. A payment gateway starts working after a customer presses a Buy-button. The gateway puts into code all personal information a user provides – personal data, contact information, credit card number, etc.

支付网关是连接客户和支付系统的工具。 交易安全级别取决于支付网关。 客户按下“购买”按钮后,支付网关开始工作。 网关将用户提供的所有个人信息(包括个人数据,联系信息,信用卡号等)编码为代码。

There are two ways to implement a payment gateway whether to use an existing system or build it from square one. Building an own payment system is a tedious process involving massive time and money investments.

无论是使用现有系统还是从方形系统构建支付网关,都有两种实现方式。 建立自己的支付系统是一个繁琐的过程,涉及大量的时间和金钱投资。

E-Commerce App 3

Payment Processor


The payment information goes a long way. The information goes through a payment gateway to a payment processor. This is a core of the payment system. A payment process handles the information. And the information continues its way to the bank.

付款信息还有很长的路要走。 该信息通过支付网关到达支付处理器。 这是支付系统的核心。 付款过程将处理该信息。 信息继续流向银行。

A processor sends data with all necessary transaction details to the bank where the transaction gets approved or denied. Then a bank sends the information back to a processor. If the transaction is approved, the payment will be considered successful. And if denied, a customer will get a notification to try another card.

处理器将带有所有必要交易详细信息的数据发送到批准或拒绝交易的银行。 然后,银行将信息发送回处理器。 如果交易被批准,则付款将被视为成功。 如果被拒绝,客户将收到通知以尝试另一张卡。

A payment processor is the main component of a payment system so it should be stable. To add more, there shouldn’t be any errors. Such components demand more thorough testing and particular attention to ensure smooth and stable work of a payment system.

支付处理器是支付系统的主要组成部分,因此应保持稳定。 要添加更多,应该没有任何错误。 这些组件需要更彻底的测试,并需要特别注意以确保支付系统的顺利和稳定工作。

向您的电子商务应用添加新内容 (Add Something New To Your E-Commerce App)

Here are some innovative ideas to add to a shopping app. Adding something one-of-a-kind increases your chances to top the market of shopping apps.

以下是一些可以添加到购物应用程序中的创新想法。 添加的东西 之一的一类 增加你的机会到顶部的购物应用程序市场。

E-Commerce App 4

Instagram-Like Shopping App


Everyone likes the way Instagram presents the information. It would be a great idea to take advantage of Instagram and create a wow shopping app for clothing. Such an app may feature a photo news feed with company offerings. A customer can add an item to the cart by touching an image.

每个人都喜欢Instagram呈现信息的方式。 利用Instagram并创建用于服装的哇购物应用程序是一个好主意。 这样的应用程序可能带有公司提供的图片新闻提要。 客户可以通过触摸图像将商品添加到购物车。

Search By Image


Another good idea is to let the users search for an item by its image. This will greatly simplify the process of looking for a particular product. A customer can upload an image and an app will find similar goods. And customers get extremely happy when they find an item they’re looking for.

另一个好主意是让用户通过其图像搜索项目。 这将大大简化寻找特定产品的过程。 客户可以上传图片,而应用会找到类似的商品。 当客户找到所需物品时,他们会感到非常高兴。

Mockup Generator


If you sell clothes with custom designs/ prints, thinks over implementing a mockup generator to let customers create prints or choose a design layout.


Offering a wide range of designs would be great. A much valuable option is to let customers create their own garment. For example, a client can choose a white t-shirt as a base and add various prints.

提供各种各样的设计将是很棒的。 一个非常有价值的选择是让客户创建自己的服装。 例如,客户可以选择一件白色T恤作为基础,并添加各种印花。

E-Commerce App 5

Summing up


There are no limits for a shopping app. There is always a place for novelties. Feel free to add something out-of-the-ordinary to your app idea and find your development team, Waiting for the craziest app ideas! Share with us in the comments below.

购物应用没有限制。 总有一个新颖的地方。 随时为您的应用程序创意添加非凡的东西,并找到您的开发团队,等待最疯狂的应用程序创意! 在下面的评论中与我们分享。



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